Helping Cyber Security Professionals gain hands-on experience with SIEM and SOAR technologies so they can advance in their career, increase their salary by $40k+, and boost their confidence.

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Helping Cyber Security Professionals gain hands-on experience with SIEM and SOAR technologies so they can advance in their career, increase their salary by $40k+, and boost their confidence.

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How to Boost Your Cyber Security Career within 6 Months

Unlock the doors to a high-paying, in-demand cyber security career without going to overpriced bootcamps, applying to jobs without results, and wasting time and money on cheap courses.

*By signing up for my free training you’ll also be joining my mailing list where I send my best Cyber Security tips, helpful content, and service offers. I don’t believe in spamming, will never sell your information, and you can easily unsubscribe anytime.

Transform Your Skills.

Skyrocket Your Career.


You’re stuck in a dead-end cybersecurity job, unsure of what’s next, and feeling like you can’t live the life you deserve.

That’s how my clients felt before The Cyber Career Boost Program, and I’m here to let you in on a little secret...there’s a shortcut, a simplified path to elevate your Cyber Security career without burning out.

Does this sound like you?

  • Tired of Overpaying for One Size Fits All Courses, Bootcamps, and Trainings
    • Trying everything from the so called “gurus” without seeing results (many of these gurus haven’t even been in the industry!)
  • Struggling with Imposter Syndrome
    • Always feeling that you're not qualified for a higher paying role or lack the proper skillset
  • No Cyber Tribe
    • You lack a network that understands your industry and can help you find and discuss opportunities
  • Lack of Guidance
    • You’re unsure where you should spend your energy to maximize your learning and earning potential
  • Dead-End Job
    • Overworked and underpaid in your current role

If you can relate to one or all of these, chances are you’re ready to make a change and make clear progress in your career.

I’m Ready for Change

Turning Survival Mode into Thrive Mode

Introducing a powerful solution that will take you from surviving to thriving in the cybersecurity world.

The Cyber Career Boost Program

6 strategic steps to build your dream Cyber Security Career!

The Cyber Career Boost Program is a 1:1 or group coaching program that will provide you with hands-on experience working with cutting-edge SIEM and SOAR technologies.

Turning Survival Mode into Thrive Mode

Introducing a powerful solution that will take you from surviving to thriving in the cybersecurity world.

The Cyber Career Boost Program

6 strategic steps to build your dream Cyber Security Career!

The Cyber Career Boost Program is a 1:1 or group coaching program that will provide you with hands-on experience working with cutting-edge SIEM and SOAR technologies.


VIP 1:1 Coaching
with Kenneth

1:1 personalized coaching to grow your Cyber Security career in a way that’s completely personalized to you. Stop doing all the things and focus on what gets you results. Bonus - access to the group coaching calls and community.

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Weekly Group

A curriculum-based group coaching program led by myself and my team guiding you to create the Cyber Security career you always wanted. Plus, with a practitioner-led community at your side, you’ll never feel like you’re doing it alone.

I Want In


The pre-recorded videos and modules directly from our instructor-led Group Coaching and one-on-one program just at your own pace. This is designed for those who want to learn the material and don’t need the support of the ECA team.

This Is For Me

A Word From My Students

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Meet Kenneth!


Believe me, I’ve been in your shoes. Now as your Cyber Security Coach & Instructor, I teach you to:

  • Achieve 40k+ salary increases inside of your Cyber Security career
  • Enhance your skills as an Analyst, Engineer, and Architect with cultivated skills in SIEM and SOAR technologies
  • Acquire an amazing network of driven and thoughtful Cyber Security professionals such as yourself
  • Reignite your excitement and passion for wanting to build and learn about endpoint solutions
  • Feel properly compensated for the work you’re doing and achieve the work-life balance you’ve been looking for

Want to see if we’re a good fit?

Let’s Talk


Ellington Cyber Academy
Youtube Channel

Want to learn from real Cyber Security practitioners and hear the stories about how they leveled up in their careers? Check out our YouTube channel where we host free webinars and do interview sessions with guest judges and advisors at ECA.



Check out our Channel!


The Cyber Security Boost

Tune into the latest cyber security insights, tips, and opportunities. Sign up to stay in the know and get inspired with interviews with experts, trend reviews, and more.

Are you ready to sharpen your skills, increase your earning potential, and get the Cyber Security job of your dreams?

Work with me